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Vampire Diaries Grafitti wall

Wanna see something super cool ? Come on by our new store and check out the "Vampire Diaries GRAFITTI Wall". The red wall in our store was dubed the grafitti wall by the TVD execs when they came in last week to show our store some love and do some shopping! I am happy to report that almost the entire crew has a Vampire Stalkers shirt or hoodie. Another favorite for the crew/producers is our cool TVD beanies. What better way to keep your head warm? So now our mission during filming for the rest of the season is to have the rest of the TVD cast come in an sign our wall. WHO will be next is the biggest question! So keep coming by the store or our facebook page for updates.

Pictured is Pachal (dir.) and Trish (TVD exec) as well as Kelly Cyrus the dir of the 101th episode. Check out the cool beanies they are wearing and get yours in our online store or come by and see us here in Covington!

The wall has also been signed by Zach R. aka Matt Donavan and Michael Trevino aka Tyler Lockwood. Now you see why you want to come shop with never know who you might see!


Rated #6 Best Vampire Destination in the World by the 

We are not licensed by, endorsed by, or associated with Warner Bros, The CW Network Bonanza production or the creators of TVD or The Originals. We are a family run company providing Guided tours to the sets of these awesome shows.

© 2020 VAMPIRESTALKERS | Website Design by Jennie Rose

Covington, GA

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