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Stalker in Training!!!!

How many of you are fans of the fan conventions that you can attend to worship your favorite shows? Last weekend Vampire Stalkers had the pleasure of helping a very special TVD/Originals Fan attend the New Jersey Convention and we asked her to share that experince with all of you. Before you read about how much fun she had I wanted to tell you a little about her. Jordyn is a sweet girl that joined us a few years ago for our Mystic Falls tour. When Jordyn arrived the day of the tour she was the only person ever to arrive "Stalker bag in hand". It was so great that she was such a fan she came prepared with all the things we suggest on the website just in case you get lucky enough to see filming.

Since then Jordyn was dubbed our #Stalkerintraining and I have kept up with her through her dad Shawn. Last month her dad contacted us and told us they wanted to send Jordyn to the NJ con for her graduation present and I wont go into details but we decided to make sure that Jordyn not only got to go but that she went it style and was GOLD all weekend long. Jordyn even tweeted all weekend and the fans that follow us were so very awesome that they even made sure to find her and say hi and I am sure she made new friends for life!

Have fun reading about her weekend and looking at her cool pictures. I am so happy we were able to help make this happen for her and it was such a success we are now discussing doing this again for the upcoming conventions! Who wants to be our stalker in training next time? TVDNJ by Jordyn @jrvampstalker July 11 - 13, 2014 Parsippany, NJ "I first would like to thank my Mom for getting me this as my high school graduation present! Then i want to thank my Dad for finding a way to get me an already SOLD OUT gold weekend pass! And then i want to also thank Jessica from Vampire Stalker/Mystic Falls Tours, because finding that SOLD OUT gold weekend ticket wasnt possible without her! and not only did she find this amazing ticket, she appointed me as her "Stalker in Training"!!! So being a stalkerintraining, came with great responsibilty! It was my job to keep the TVD Stalker community aware of everything tvdconNJ! Hopefully most of you saw my posts on twitter (@jrvampstalker) . I was not able to attend the Friday night festivities which included a Karaoke party with Mikah Parker. But i was able to talk with a girl there that said it was alot of fun! I got there early Saturday morning with my Mom, Grandma, and my Aunt! We arrived early enough so that i had a chance to get my credentials (weekend pass) and wander around to check it all out and take it all in! the vendors there were awesome and had TONS of great stuff! (but im sure not as great as the stuff jessica has in her store in Mystic Falls!!!!!) My first stage panel was at 10am with Father K and Thierry from the awesome spinoff of TVD, THE ORIGINALS! If you have never experienced this before, the stage panels were mindblowing to me!!! especially from the FRONT ROW!!!! they are very candid and will talk about anything and i mean anything you want to talk about!!! so it kinda goes like this, they come on stage, and talk about being here and loving the fans. then the Q&A starts. and then at some point the stop letting us ask questions and they give us some fun stories or spoilers for upcoming season! I WILL NEVER TELL!!!! lol! ok so Ian wasnt supposed to be there until Sunday, but guess what?? Saturday!!!!!!! WOO-HOOOO! and by this time DAMON IS IN THE BUILDING!!!! just follow all the girly screams! being a gold weekend pass holder, i got an EXTRA stage panel with just Ian and a small group of us! NOW! this is my first ever in person view of Ian... ... ... and i would just like to say, HE IS EVEN BETTER LOOKING IN PERSON!! OMG!!! so of course i had to get his autograph, and because of my seat (row1 seat 4) i was 4th in line!!!! so then i had some down time before he got back on stage for everyone, and i needed it because i was about to faint!!! after his second stage panel was over, which he was joined by Daniel Gillies (Elija) it was picture time with Damon and Elija!!! and again im in the front of the line!!! and if you caught any of my tweets, you'll know i tried to talk to Ian but my voice did NOT work!! no noise came out! but he did call me "kid" and I GOT A BIG HUG! something i'll never forget! one of the biggest things i got from listening to Ian talk was that he loves his fans and he considers all of us family! and it was really fun to see everyone get their pictures taken with the two of them! Ian was all touchy feely with everyone and everyone got hugs and Daniel just seemed to be there in the picture!!! lol! and give it up to Daniel, he didnt seem to mind. it may seem to be a hard act to follow, but Matt and Tyler were up next after a little bit of down time... I say down time but there is always something going on like TVD trivia and things like that... but i needed the time to calm myself down and get something to eat! So Zach and Michael are on stage and Zach just CANT sit still!! he was a stagewalker!! ALL the actors had great and funny stories to tell and it was really cool to get a behind the scenes look into what goes on that we dont get to see when we watch TVD every thursday nite! so after all the pictures and autographs. it was time for the ball! i didnt stay too long because i was the only one with access because of the gold pass, but it was REALLY cool! music playin everyone is dancin! especially Father K! Todd gettin his groove on! my Saturday has come to an end and we head back home ... 4 hrs away! but no worries!!!, my dad is bringing me back in the morning!! i get home about 2:30-3:00 in the morning and my Dad picks me up at 5:00am, and I head all the way back to TVDNJ!!! im case ur wondering why... my mom could only go on saturday and my dad could only go on sunday... so i had to make 2 trips!! i dont care!! it was sooooo worth it!!! My dad and I get there around 9:00 and i realize i left my autograph tickets for Arielle and Michael at home (not included in my gold weekend pass)... OH NO! but the Creation staff were kind to me! they let me get my Aunt on the phone and had her take a pic of the tickets, send em to me, showed the pic to the guy in charge of tickets and they gave me replacement tickets! SHEW! crisis averted! (thanks Dad!) anyway, STEFAN IS HERE! time for the gold pass member only stage panel! Paul was such a trooper, he barely had any rest from traveling, but a little coffee, which he spilled on stage, and he was up there for his fans!!! so Stefan starts signing autographs and i actually get my voice to work this time! and i managed to ask him a favor... give something to Jessica next time he sees her down in Covington during filming!

Arielles turn on stage, and she is great! i got the feeling that she truely wanted to be there and was enjoying the con as much as we all were! during her Q&A she was presented with a gift by a cute little girl. and handpainted mermaid! it was so cute! then lexi was joined on stage by Paul Tefler, not a regular on the show but has been in a few episodes. they were pretty funny together! they sang "Pour some sugar on me"! once they left the stage, it was time to get in line for the BFF photo op... Lexi and Stefan together! so of course i gotta do it!! lol! now after that photo op, things start moving faster!!

Pic time with Enzo! oh yeah Michael Malarcky did make an appearance on saturday also and did some pics with Ian... called FRENEMY PICS! so i had seen him the day before as well! then pic time with Lexi. Then before you know it Lexi was on stage again, this time she was joined by Enzo. Together they had everyone laughin and Arielle left the stage and left Michael by himself and he told some pretty funny stories! while i was in the line to ask Enzo a question, he tells everyone that his brother is in the crowd, and he is sitting right next to MY EMPTY SEAT! Grrrrrrr! lol! when he is finally done with his panel time he kicks his water bottles off the stage ... .... right at me!!! didnt hit me, but made me jump! once he was off stage i got my Lexi and Enzo autographs! but sadly, the TVDCONNJ was over. :( I just want anyone reading this to know, if you ever have the opportunity to go to a TVD convention, DO IT!! and get a gold weekend pass if possible, it gives you access to more stuff!!!! Thank you again to my mom, dad, grandma donna, auntie lauren, AND jessica from Vampire Stalker/Mystic Falls Tours! I had an amazing weekend that i will NEVER forget! I cant wait to go back next year!" see you next year! STALKER IN TRAINING Jordyn


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We are not licensed by, endorsed by, or associated with Warner Bros, The CW Network Bonanza production or the creators of TVD or The Originals. We are a family run company providing Guided tours to the sets of these awesome shows.

© 2020 VAMPIRESTALKERS | Website Design by Jennie Rose

Covington, GA

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