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First Film and TV Museum in GA!

On Location Gifts and Museum is NOW OPEN! Lucky enough to have Warner Brothers and The CW stand behind us and allow us to be the only local business gifted screen used props and clothing from Vampire Diaries and The Originals....and coming soon Legacies! Vampire Stalkers decided it would be fun to tell you the story of how we became the FIRST and ONLY TV and Film Museum in Ga.

The last 10 years we have experienced the start and end of filming for The Vampire Diaries here in Covington, GA. Episode to episode we were lucky enough to be gifted little goodies here and there but when Vampire Diaries had their last bow production called us and asked if we were willing to display even more items for the fans. Of course that was always the the dream to have as many items as possible to show all the people from around the world that were fans of our favorite show.

A week later I, (that's me Jess) hired a moving crew...yep that's right it took an entire moving crew and multiple trips from the sound stages to Covington for us to move all the amazing things that until that day had only existed in your tv screens. Warner Brothers had choosen us along with the Covington Visitor and Tourism Information center to be the only 2 places to own these iconic pieces. Covington had high hopes of opening the pop up Museum and later opening a more permanent "Hollywood of the South" Museum location while Vampire Stalkers displayed our items seasonally always changing out our displays in hopes for the fans to keep coming to our small town that was now enjoying the growth awarded us by film tourism.

Next up was The Originals, oh how sad we were when it was time for it to end....while also being super excited to see what goodies they might let us have to display for you guys, the fans. Because at the end of the day its always only been about "the fans". A few weeks before season 5 wrapped we received emails asking if we wanted to again be gifted some of these cool pieces and again we said yes. This time around 3 places were included and allowed to own the props and clothing from the show.

This time it was us, Covington Tourism and Conyers Tourism. The Originals had found most of its home during filming in Conyers so of course they were included, not to mention there was plenty to go around. This move was a lot like the last except this time the props seemed even cooler...I mean I did end up with most of the headstones from "the city of the dead". Bringing back multiple screen worn outfits from Klaus and his entire family to display in my store was a humbling moment. That day I knew what room I had inside my store would need to be bigger because we needed to display as many props and outfits as we possibly could. The show was ending and the fans were getting restless...they wanted to see more and we were lucky enough to have it to show them. So we kept guiding tours while expanding out the back of our store location for the museum area.

Through out the years we have hit many road blocks, grown in leaps and bounds, under gone construction...more than once, learned who our real friends were, had many health scares and most importantly learned that having someone else try to copy what you have done as the highest form of flattery there ever could be. Right now we are the first and only TV and film museum here in Ga. We are the only ones that can say what we have here we worked hard for and are very happy to know that others took notice. BIG thank you to Warner Brothers for entrusting us with so much Vampire Diaries and Originals history. Hopefully one day soon the "Hollywood of the South" Museum from Covington Tourism will happen but until that day and hopefully for the rest of my life you will always be able to come to my little corner of the world and hang with me and my family, talk Vampires, Witches and Werewolves and whatever else stalks Mystic Falls on that particular day. Were here for YOU, we enjoy being fans WITH all of YOU and we hope you will keep stopping by.

Thanks for listening to a story about a small town, a small town girl and all of my big Hollywood dreams. Thanks for taking our guided tours, shopping in our store and most importantly for being our friends.

~Vampire Stalkers


Rated #6 Best Vampire Destination in the World by the 

We are not licensed by, endorsed by, or associated with Warner Bros, The CW Network Bonanza production or the creators of TVD or The Originals. We are a family run company providing Guided tours to the sets of these awesome shows.

© 2020 VAMPIRESTALKERS | Website Design by Jennie Rose

Covington, GA

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